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Business and Commercial Document Imaging Solutions

WorkFlo Application Libraries (WAL)

FileNet Corporation

FileNet's Workflo (R) Application Libraries (WAL) is a comprehensiveapplication development software tool kit that lets you easily integratedocument imaging and Workflo features with your existing workstations,networks, and applications.Through more than 300 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), WALprovides access to FileNet Image Management Services (IMS) software tostore, retrieve, and route objects including document images, data, text,photographs, voice, and video. This access, along with the ability tolink with other development tools, third-party applications, and externalinformation sources, allows you to develop powerful, customized documentimaging and WorkFlo applications.WAL supports applications, even those that unite different clients andunique peripherals, across a wide variety of client hardware platformsincluding Windows, Sun Solaris, HP/UX, and IBM-AIX/6.WAL works with such popular third-party application development tools asC, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, and PowerBuilder; or any language thatcan call C subroutines. Since WAL is modular and offered in sets, youcan buy only the functionality you need.Full Function Client Libraries;A powerful set of C language subroutines compose WAL. These subroutinesreside on the client platform and provide an open, standard interface forapplication programs to call FileNet services.A WAL application interacts with the FileNet system via calls, or entrypoints, to the client libraries. WAL allows you to use FileNet systemresources without having to understand the low-level, internal datastructures or operations of the FileNet system.FileNet services available via WAL include:- Object Entry Services to manage the acquisition of images on magneticdisk and allow for validation, retrieval, and optical disk storage ofdocument images and other objects.- Index and Object Management Services to provide the logicalorganization and a central control room for all types of objects via theOracle RDBMS.- Cache Services to manage and control access to magnetic disk cachebefore an object can be sent to and from optical disk.- OSAR Management Services to manage the storage and retrieval ofdocuments and objects stored on FileNet OSAR libraries.- Object Output Services to enable and optimiize the movement and outputof objects through printers and facsimile servers and to provide outputqueue status for all objects.- WorkFlo Queue Services to provide the ability to access FileNet queuesby applications running on different workstations.WAL Software Developer Kit;WorkFlo Application Libraries consist of a software development kit (SDK)that comes complete with client libraries, sample source code, runtimelicenses, and documentation.The WAL SDK also provides APIs for query, display, and printapplications; document or object committal; and creation and manipulationof queues and queue items.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FileNet Image Management Services
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

FileNet Corporation
3565 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: (714) 966-3400
Fax: (714) 966-3490